>>Risk Analysis

Project Management

We install innovative management systems to accompany the project step-by-step, adding value at each stage.

Risk Analysis2019-02-27T10:15:42+00:00

Risk Analysis

To detect and analyze critical points before these turn into problematic situations and presenting solutions to reduce risk. This is how we foster the quality, safety and good development of the projects.

Identifying, assessing and mitigating risks that may affect each project is a crucial factor that will determine the success of its development process. In our risk analysis plan each stage is worked out using all our accuracy, precision and knowledge.

Risk analysis and reduction in 6 steps:

  • Identification – we determine the risks that may affect the project and document their characteristics
  • Qualitative Analysis – we assess risk exposure to prioritize which will be subject to additional analysis or action
  • Quantitative Analysis – we carry out an effective budget analysis of the risks identified to the project’s main objectives
  • Response planning – we present alternatives and take action to increase opportunities and reduce threats
  • Response plan – we implement the planned responses
  • Monitoring – we monitor and control risks throughout the project’s life cycle