>>Strategic Planning

Technical and Urban Advisory Services

We provide precise, independent and informed analyses that help investors to make decisions.

Strategic Planning2022-04-21T08:53:17+00:00

Strategic Planning

Optimising projects through cost minimisation and value maximisation is the ultimate goal of investors, which place their trust in our strategic planning services to develop business plans.

Our consulting team works side by side with each client, from the very beginning of the project development process, by conducting analyses and providing relevant data for defining investment strategies. We focus on operational aspects and take a precautionary approach to costs, such as to generate significant savings, while seeking to improve project efficiency and performance, for the ultimate purpose of increasing profitability.

The starting point of our collaboration may consist of a simple concept or the identification of an asset whose purpose is yet undefined. Our studies involve Technical Due Diligence, functional programme definition, identification of the most adequate strategy and analysis of the project’s technical and financial feasibility (Business Plan). Preliminary urbanistic and architectural studies and brief market surveys may also be conducted, according to specific project requirements, client needs (Master Plans) and technical project specifications.

As a business partner, we strive to deliver excellence, create value for our clients and help them turn each and every project into a success.